I heard someone asking that...
And i thought... "keef sho ya3ni?"
For me it was very clear... and very simple.
There's a very good reason why it was chosen for this campaign.
Those who HAVE a life just want to live it...
Those who "love life" don't believe that there religion comes BEFORE there patriotism. They see another way of "life"... They see a Lebanese strategy on how to defend the country.
The slogan is short and sweet to say, I CHOOSE to live this way... I reject your distorted political views, and your so called "cause" for dying.
On the other hand, those who lived all there lives under the brain wash & control of a militia, don't know another way to live. They are not very concerned with living THIS life anyway. They are waiting to "live" in the afterlife. It's another double edge sword that organized religion awarded humanity. Putting so much importance on the after life (hoping that would make better human beings) minimizes the importance of the role we play now, before we die.
So they talk about what "GOD" wants for hours and hours on TV. They pray all day... They create a "Hizb" for God. They even claim DIVINE victories... They think that's there DUTY. That's the reason they are here on earth. They know NOTHING else. "Moqawameh", or THE FIGHT is there LIFE.
So that's the culture clash... That's the fundamental problem.
(hmmm... i just thought of something, maybe there should be a "counter slogan" for Hizballa that reads: I LOVE THE AFTER LIFE... i just might photoshop that, and see if it sells...lol)
Anyway, the point is, the slogan is very appropriate.
I love life, means I REJECT fighting for "ideological" causes. I love life, means i want an end to political assassinations. I love life, means the only way you'll get me to fight to DEFEND my country is under the command of my OFFICIAL army, and not under any militia that hands me a weapon and tells me to fight, so i can be a hero or a martyr. I love life, means i just want to raise my 2 children (Yes, ONLY 2) and educate them here in Lebanon, and not somewhere else... I want to be able to offer them a hate free environment... a war free environment. I love life means: I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE AFTERLIFE. I'M ALIVE NOW. AND I LOVE IT. SO LET ME BE.